The 11 Worst Activities That Make Knee Arthritis More Painful

High-impact activities:
Running: The repetitive pounding on the pavement can aggravate joint pain and inflammation.
Jumping: Activities like jumping jacks or basketball can put a lot of stress on the knee joint.
Squats and deep lunges: While squats and lunges can be beneficial exercises with proper form for healthy individuals, they can exacerbate pain in individuals with knee arthritis, especially when done deeply or with improper technique.
Stair climbing: Climbing stairs can be challenging for individuals with knee arthritis due to the increased stress placed on the joint during the up and down motion.
Hiking on uneven terrain: Uneven surfaces require additional work from the knee joint to maintain balance and stability, which can worsen pain.
Repetitive activities:
Prolonged kneeling or squatting: Activities like gardening or cleaning floors that involve prolonged kneeling or squatting can put a strain on the knee joint.
High-impact sports: Sports like football, basketball, and tennis involve frequent changes in direction, jumping, and pivoting, which can aggravate knee arthritis.
Additional factors that can worsen knee arthritis:
Being overweight or obese: Excess weight puts additional stress on the knee joint, worsening pain and inflammation.
Not exercising regularly: While high-impact activities might be detrimental, regular low-impact exercises like swimming, biking, and walking can strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve joint health.
Ignoring pain: It’s important to listen to your body and avoid activities that cause significant pain.
It’s crucial to remember that individual experiences with knee arthritis can vary. Consulting a healthcare professional or physical therapist can help you identify specific activities to avoid and create a personalized exercise plan that strengthens your muscles, improves flexibility, and minimizes pain.