This Happens When You Drink Celery And Green Apple Juice Every Day – Health Benefits and More

Hydration and electrolytes: Celery is about 95% water, so it can contribute to hydration. It also contains small amounts of electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which may be beneficial if you’ve been sweating or exercising. However, relying solely on juice for hydration isn’t recommended as whole fruits and vegetables provide fiber and other essential nutrients.
Antioxidants: Celery contains antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, which may help protect cells from damage. However, the extent to which these are preserved in juicing is debatable.
Limited fiber: While celery is a good source of fiber, juicing removes most of the fiber content, potentially reducing its digestive benefits and slowing down the absorption of sugars.
Green Apple:
Vitamins and minerals: Green apples offer vitamin C, vitamin K, and some minerals like potassium.
Antioxidants: Like celery, green apples contain antioxidants like quercetin and catechin, which may offer some health benefits.
Natural sugars: Green apples contain natural sugars like fructose, which contribute to the juice’s sweetness and can lead to a blood sugar spike if consumed in excess.
Overall effects:
Increased hydration: The high water content can contribute to hydration, but remember, whole fruits and vegetables are better sources.
Nutrient boost: You might get some vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from both ingredients, but the exact amount may vary depending on the juicing process and serving size.
Potential blood sugar spike: The natural sugars from the green apple can cause a temporary rise in blood sugar, especially if consumed on an empty stomach or in large quantities.
Limited satiety: Due to the lack of fiber, juice may not keep you feeling full for as long compared to eating whole fruits and vegetables.
Important considerations:
Consult a healthcare professional: If you have any underlying health conditions, especially related to diabetes or blood sugar control, it’s crucial to consult your doctor before consuming large quantities of juice.
Moderation is key: While occasional consumption of celery and green apple juice may not be harmful, it’s essential to prioritize whole fruits and vegetables in your diet for optimal health benefits and fiber intake.
Not a replacement for a balanced diet: Juice should not be considered a substitute for a balanced diet rich in various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Remember, while celery and green apple juice might offer some potential benefits, it’s essential to be mindful of potential drawbacks and consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.