13 Warning Signs Your Kidneys Are Failing – Don’t Ignore These Symptoms

  1. Extreme tiredness. When your kidneys are not working properly, they cannot remove waste products from your blood. This can lead to fatigue and a feeling of weakness.
  2. Nausea and vomiting. The buildup of waste products in your blood can also cause nausea and vomiting.
  3. Confusion or trouble concentrating. As your kidneys fail, your brain may not be getting enough oxygen. This can lead to confusion, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating.
  4. Swelling. Fluid retention is a common symptom of kidney failure. You may notice swelling in your feet, ankles, hands, or face.
  5. Peeing more often. Your kidneys may need to work harder to filter your blood if they are not working properly. This can lead to frequent urination, especially at night.
  6. Cramps. The buildup of waste products in your blood can also cause muscle cramps.
  7. Dry or itchy skin. Your kidneys are responsible for producing a hormone that helps to regulate your skin’s moisture. If your kidneys are not working properly, your skin may become dry and itchy.
  8. Shortness of breath. As your kidneys fail, your body may retain fluid. This can put pressure on your lungs and make it difficult to breathe.
  9. Trouble sleeping. The buildup of waste products in your blood can also make it difficult to sleep.
  10. Urinating either too much or too little. In the early stages of kidney failure, you may urinate more often than usual. However, as the condition progresses, you may urinate less often or even stop urinating altogether.
  11. Blood in your urine. Blood in your urine is a sign of kidney damage.
  12. Foamy urine. Foamy urine is another sign of kidney damage.
  13. Loss of appetite. As your kidneys fail, you may lose your appetite.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away. Kidney failure is a serious condition, but it can be treated if it is caught early.

Here are some tips for preventing kidney failure:

  • Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for kidney failure.
  • Control your blood sugar. Diabetes is another major risk factor for kidney failure.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise can help to keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control, which can help to protect your kidneys.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking damages your kidneys.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol can damage your kidneys.