5 Surprising Things Men Like in Women More than Beauty (Psychology)

  1. A sense of humor. Men are attracted to women who can make them laugh. Humor shows that a woman is intelligent, confident, and able to connect with others on a deeper level.
  2. Intelligence. Men are also attracted to women who are intelligent. Intelligence shows that a woman is capable, interesting, and able to challenge them intellectually.
  3. Kindness. Men are attracted to women who are kind and compassionate. Kindness shows that a woman is caring, empathetic, and someone who would make a good partner.
  4. Ambition. Men are attracted to women who are ambitious and driven. Ambition shows that a woman is goal-oriented, motivated, and someone who will challenge them to be better.
  5. Authenticity. Men are attracted to women who are authentic and genuine. Authenticity shows that a woman is comfortable in her own skin and someone who is not afraid to be herself.

These are just a few of the surprising things that men like in women more than beauty. Of course, beauty is still important to many men, but it is not the only thing they look for in a partner. These other qualities are often more important in the long run, as they can make for a more fulfilling and lasting relationship.

Here are some additional research-backed findings on what men find attractive in women:

  • Women who are symmetrical. Studies have shown that men are more attracted to women who have symmetrical facial features. This is likely because symmetry is seen as a sign of health and fertility.
  • Women who have a healthy body weight. Men are generally attracted to women who have a healthy body weight. This is likely because a healthy body weight is seen as a sign of fertility and vitality.
  • Women who smile. A smile is a powerful tool of attraction. Studies have shown that men are more likely to be attracted to women who smile often. This is likely because a smile is seen as a sign of happiness, warmth, and openness.
  • Women who are confident. Confidence is an attractive quality in both men and women. Studies have shown that men are more likely to be attracted to women who appear confident and self-assured.
  • Women who are intelligent. Intelligence is another attractive quality in both men and women. Studies have shown that men are more likely to be attracted to women who are intelligent and intellectually stimulating.

Of course, what men find attractive in women is ultimately a matter of personal preference. However, the research suggests that these are some of the qualities that men find most appealing.