5 Things Nobody Tells You About Cardio!

Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise. It includes steady-state aerobic exercise, interval training, and related forms of physical activity.Weight loss or fat loss is one of the more obvious benefits associated with performing cardio.
If you want to see your abs, cardio by itself won’t get you there. However, combined with a sensible diet, aerobic exercise or interval training can accelerate and improve your fat loss results
In other words, combining cardio and diet works better than diet alone for fat loss.
And not only that, but cardio paired with a weight loss diet can also help reduce dangerous visceral adipose tissue (VAT) or belly fat, more effectively than diet-onlyCardio, especially steady-state cardio, is the best way to increase your aerobic fitness.
Your aerobic or fat-burning energy system is the main contributor after about 3 minutes of physical activity, and it can sustain energy production for up to 120 hours of continuous physical activityIf you want to build strength and power, you should spend most of your training time on exercise that stimulates type 2 muscle fibers — such as heavy, explosive lifting and plyometric movements.Interval training is a form of exercise that pairs higher-intensity “work periods” with lower-intensity rest or recovery periods. Popular examples include running or sprinting combined with walking, or a combination of cycling fast and slow.Steady-state cardio is the simplest, most basic form of cardio. Unlike interval training, during steady-state cardio, you maintain the same pace throughout your session.
For steady-state cardio, people often choose walking, running, or cycling. However, you can use any activity as long as you can sustain it for 20-60+ minutes.
And the truth is, there’s no clear winner between intervals or steady-state. They’re simply different, with different pros and cons.
The biggest difference is that HIIT targets entirely different energy systems than steady-state aerobic exercise, making it more suitable for improving short-burst fitness qualities as opposed to aerobic endurance