8 Signs On Breast You Should NOT Ignore

Here are 8 signs to watch for:
A new lump in the breast or armpit: This is perhaps the most well-known sign.
Thickening or swelling of breast tissue: A change in the texture of your breast.
Irritation or dimpling of breast skin: This can look like an orange peel texture.
Redness or flaky skin on the nipple or breast: Unusual skin changes should be checked.
Pulling in of the nipple or nipple pain: Any changes in the appearance or sensation of the nipple.
Nipple discharge (other than breast milk): This includes blood or clear fluid.
Change in size or shape of the breast: Noticeable alterations in your breast’s appearance.
Pain in any area of the breast: While breast pain is common, persistent or unusual pain should be evaluated.
Remember: Regular self-exams and routine mammograms are essential for early detection. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

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