Bodybuilding Back Workout | Grow Thick & Wide Lats | IFBB Pro Kerrith Bajjo

Light cardio (e.g., jogging, jumping jacks) for 5-10 minutes
Dynamic stretches (e.g., arm circles, torso twists)
Pull-ups: This compound exercise works multiple back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius.Variations: Assisted pull-ups, chin-ups
Bent-over rows: This exercise targets the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.Variations: Dumbbell bent-over rows, barbell bent-over rows
Dumbbell rows: This exercise can help isolate the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.
Face pulls: This exercise works the rear deltoids and trapezius.
Lat pulldown: Another effective exercise for the latissimus dorsi.
Hyperextensions: This exercise targets the erector spinae, which runs down your spine.
Static stretches (e.g., holding a child’s pose, stretching your hamstrings) for 5-10 minutes
Focus on form: Proper form is essential to prevent injuries and maximize muscle activation.
Vary your routine: To avoid plateaus, change your exercises and rep ranges periodically.
Listen to your body: If you experience pain, rest and consult with a healthcare professional.
Consider working with a trainer: A qualified personal trainer can provide personalized guidance and help you achieve your fitness goals.
Remember to adjust the number of sets, reps, and weight based on your fitness level and goals.

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