How To Reverse Autoimmune Disease, Or Almost Any Chronic Disease, With Supermarket Foods

The greatest impact on whether our genes for illness get triggered is by what we put into our bodies – what we eat. Your cells are literally created out of the foods you put into your body. If you eat purely for taste and convenience, like many people do, you are likely eating nutrient-poor foods that cause damaged dysfunctional cells. When you learn to eat foods that nourish your body, your cells can repair themselves, and the new cells created will be high functioning healthy cells.Unhealthy foods create chronic inflammation, a condition where the immune system is constantly activated, which can be destructive to the body. Inflammation is normally the body’s healthy response to injury or infection. However, when the inflammation becomes chronic, or continuous, such as due to constant assault on the gut by the wrong foods, the inflammation becomes the cause of destructive diseases, like Lupus, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Colitis, and many other chronic inflammatory diseases.

You are not just a victim to the genes you received from your parents’ shuffled deck, you have the power to keep your health, and if you are already ill, you have a choice to make, because you can trade in your cards and play out a better hand. There is hope, and you can take back your health.

Our bodies are constantly shedding old cells and creating new ones. Recall that you build your cells from the foods you eat. That means you can literally transform from a sick, tired, achy body to a healthy, strong and vibrant body one cell at a time, one bite at a time. You are building your next body by the mouthful.

The first 3 “Steps to Healing with Supermarket Foods” focus on the foods that cause chronic inflammation, which leads to chronic disease. These are the foods to be eliminated if you want to create maximal health. If you don’t eliminate these foods, you will continue to contribute to the cause of your illness, even if you eat more healing foods. These foods always cause damage when you eat them, but while eating these unhealthy foods on occasion when you are healthy causes damage, it is akin to getting a paper cut when you are healthy; it hurts but your body can rapidly heal it. If you eat them when you are already sick, it is like continuously pulling the scab off a healing wound. That is why these 3 food groups must be avoided during the healing process.

Another way to think about it is to compare it to cigarette smoking. A healthy non-smoker who decides to smoke some cigarettes at a party might cough, get a headache or feel some general malaise afterwards, but as long as he does not continue to smoke, his lungs will quickly heal the damage and he will not develop lung diseases like emphysema or cancer. Compare that to a chronic smoker who has lung cancer. The best way to help him recover is not just to have a healthier diet and medical care; he should quit smoking to give his lungs the chance to heal.

Animal Products include all types of meat like beef, pork, lamb, fish, and chicken. It also includes eggs and dairy products. The reason these foods must be avoided at all cost is because they cause massive amounts of inflammation in the body. Research has indicated animal-derived products are inflammatory in multiple different ways.

A recent study in Scientific American showed that when the gut is exposed to saturated fat, it causes the destruction of the healthy protective bacteria in the gut, inflammation of the gut wall, initiation of an immune response, tissue damage and even hemorrhage.Meat and dairy also are a direct source of arachidonic acid and other omega-6 fatty acids. These compounds directly produce inflammatory immune mediators, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes, and go right to work creating inflammation in the body. The more meat and dairy you consume, the more inflammation you create.The body uses omega-6 fatty acids to create inflammatory immune cells. Conversely, omega-3s are responsible for creating the anti-inflammatory immune cells. When we eat a healthy plant-based diet our body will have a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, where our immune system can make inflammation when necessary, and eliminate it when appropriate. Unfortunately, most people are inundated with omega-6 from meat, dairy, eggs, oils and processed foods, but they rarely, if ever, consume any omega-3 rich foods like chia seeds or flaxseeds. The result is that most people are suffering from massive amounts of chronic inflammation, which leads to chronic inflammatory diseases like autoimmune disease.

One study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology did a meta-analysis of 9 prospective studies that showed that eating animal products increases the risk of all-cause mortality, meaning it raises your risk of dying from any disease.[3] Most folks are familiar with the idea that eating meat increases their risk of heart disease, but don’t realize that eating meat increases their risk of death from all causes.[17]Animal products are highly addictive and it can seem impossible to give up these foods, but the less of them you consume, the better you will feel. You need to eliminate them completely to have the best chance to heal.

One of the fastest ways to minimize inflammation and jump-start the healing process is to eliminate the excess sources of omega-6 fatty acids. As I mentioned earlier, animal products are a source of omega-6 fatty acids. Even more so are all of the vegetable oils, with the exception of olive oil.

The flooding of our bodies with these omega-6 fatty acids just drives the body to create more and more inflammation, which creates more illness and impairs your body’s ability to heal.