Barbara O’Neill Explains The Healthiest Diet

Plenty of fruits and vegetables: These provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.   1. U.S. News Ranks Mediterranean Diet Best Diet Again – Scripps Health

Whole grains: Rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates.   1. Simple Carbohydrates vs. Complex Carbohydrates – Healthline

Legumes: Packed with protein and fiber.   1. High-fiber foods: 38 healthy options – MedicalNewsToday

Healthy fats: Olive oil is a cornerstone, providing heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.   1. The benefits of adding a drizzle of olive oil to your diet – American Heart Association

Lean protein: Fish, poultry, and legumes are primary sources.
Limited red meat and dairy: Consumed in moderation.   1. Mediterranean Diet: Food List & Meal Plan – Cleveland Clinic

Moderate alcohol consumption: Primarily red wine, enjoyed with meals.   1. Mediterranean diet for heart health – Mayo Clinic

Key benefits of the Mediterranean diet:
Reduced risk of heart disease   1. How the Mediterranean diet lowers risk of cardiovascular disease | NHLBI, NIH

Lower blood pressure   1. Mediterranean diet may help lower the risk of high blood pressure – MedicalNewsToday

Improved blood sugar control   1. Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan for Diabetes – EatingWell

Lower risk of type 2 diabetes   1. Study: Mediterranean Diet Could Help Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk – Health

Weight management
Reduced risk of certain cancers   1. Can a Mediterranean diet affect the risk of cancers | WCRF International

Remember: Even though the Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest, it’s essential to find a dietary pattern that suits your lifestyle, preferences, and overall health goals.
Would you like to explore other diet options or learn more about incorporating Mediterranean diet principles into your meals?
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