Cardio Before or After Weights to Burn Fat Fast | Cardio before or after lifting | Weight Training

Whether to do cardio before or after weights to burn fat fast is a question that has been debated by fitness experts for years. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best approach will vary depending on your individual fitness goals and preferences.

Cardio Before Weights

One of the main benefits of doing cardio before weights is that it can help to warm up your muscles and prepare them for a more intense workout. Additionally, cardio can help to increase your heart rate and get your blood flowing, which can help to maximize your calorie burn.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to doing cardio before weights. For example, cardio can deplete your glycogen stores, which is the energy source that your muscles use during weight training. This can lead to reduced performance and muscle growth.

Cardio After Weights

Doing cardio after weights can help to further burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. Additionally, cardio can help to reduce lactic acid buildup in your muscles, which can help to improve recovery time.

However, one of the main drawbacks to doing cardio after weights is that it can be more difficult to motivate yourself to do a hard cardio workout after you have already completed a weight training session. Additionally, cardio after weights can further deplete your glycogen stores, which can lead to fatigue.

Which is Better?

Ultimately, the best way to decide whether to do cardio before or after weights is to experiment and see what works best for you. If you are new to exercise, it is generally recommended to start with cardio before weights. This will help you to warm up your muscles and avoid injury.

As you become more fit, you can experiment with doing cardio after weights to see if it helps you to burn more calories and improve your cardiovascular health. You can also try doing cardio on separate days from your weight training sessions.

Here are some additional tips for burning fat fast:

  • Eat a healthy diet that is low in processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Lift weights regularly.
  • Do cardio regularly.
  • Be patient and consistent. It takes time to burn fat and lose weight.