Don’t Miss These 12 Early Cancer Signs – It Could Save You! | HealthQuest

Unexplained weight loss: Significant weight loss without changes in diet or exercise.
Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.
Fever: Recurrent or persistent fever without a known cause.
Pain: Persistent or worsening pain that doesn’t respond to treatment.
Skin changes: New moles, changes in existing moles, or unusual skin growths.
Changes in bowel or bladder habits: Persistent changes in bowel or bladder function.
Persistent cough or hoarseness: A cough that doesn’t go away or hoarseness that lasts.
Difficulty swallowing: Trouble swallowing food or liquids.
Sores that don’t heal: Non-healing sores or ulcers.
Unusual bleeding or discharge: Bleeding from any body opening without a clear explanation.
Lumps or thickening: Finding a lump or thickening in the breast,testicles, or elsewhere.
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing: Persistent indigestion or trouble swallowing.
Remember, early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer. If you experience any of these symptoms, schedule a checkup with your doctor.