Fix CONSTIPATION – Always use these 2 NUTRIENTS (not fiber)

Fiber is key: Include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet. Aim for 25-34 grams daily. Fiber adds bulk and softness to stool, making it easier to pass. Think fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.
Gradual increase: If you’re not used to a lot of fiber, increase it gradually to avoid gas and bloating.
Fluids are essential: Drinking enough fluids, especially water, helps keep stool soft.
Exercise regularly: Physical activity helps move stool through your colon.
Listen to your body: When you have the urge to go, don’t ignore it. Delaying bowel movements can worsen constipation.
Relaxation techniques: Stress can contribute to constipation. Consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
If these don’t provide relief, there are over-the-counter laxatives available. However, it’s advisable to consult a doctor before using them regularly.
Here are some additional resources you might find helpful:
Mayo Clinic: Constipation – Diagnosis and treatment
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Treatment for Constipation