Gravitas: Chinese scientists develop robot with lab-grown human brain

A lab-grown human brain robot is a concept that combines two areas of ongoing scientific research:
Lab-grown organs (organoids): Scientists are making progress in growing tissues that mimic the function of real organs. In the brain’s case, these would be simplified brain-like structures grown from stem cells.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs): This technology focuses on creating a direct link between the brain and external devices.
Current Stage:
While there have been some initial steps, a true lab-grown human brain robot is still very much in the theoretical or science fiction realm. Here’s what we know so far:
Chinese Research: In 2023, researchers in China made headlines for creating a tiny robot controlled by lab-grown human brain cells [1]. However, these brain cells were very basic and the robot performed very simple tasks.
Challenges: Growing a complex organ like a human brain in a lab is incredibly difficult. Not only replicating the intricate structure but also nurturing its functionality presents immense challenges.
Ethical Concerns:
Even if the technology advances, there are significant ethical concerns to consider. These include:
The sentience or consciousness of a lab-grown brain.
The potential for misuse of such technology.
Lab-grown human brain robots are a fascinating idea, but they are likely a long way off from becoming reality. The scientific hurdles are significant, and the ethical considerations need careful discussion.