How Arthritis Destroys Your Knees

The Breakdown Process
Cartilage Deterioration: The smooth, cushioning cartilage at the end of your bones starts to wear away.

  1. Cartilage Injury and Repair – Yale Medicine

Bone-on-Bone Friction: As cartilage thins, bones begin to rub directly against each other, causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation.   1. Arthritis – NHS

Bone Spurs: To compensate, the body may create bony growths (spurs) around the joint, further limiting movement.   1. Bone Spur: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment – UPMC

Joint Instability: The damaged cartilage and bone spurs can lead to instability and difficulty bearing weight.   1. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee | Knee pain – Versus Arthritis

Inflammation: The constant friction and damage trigger an inflammatory response, causing swelling and pain.   1. Osteoarthritis – Symptoms & causes – Mayo Clinic

Types of Arthritis Affecting Knees
While osteoarthritis is the most common, other types can also impact the knees:
Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune disease that attacks the joint lining, leading to inflammation and cartilage damage.   1. Rheumatoid arthritis Information | Mount Sinai – New York

Psoriatic arthritis: Associated with psoriasis, it can cause joint inflammation and damage.   1. The Link Between Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis – WebMD

Gout: A type of arthritis caused by uric acid crystal buildup in the joints.   1. Gout – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

Understanding this process can help you appreciate the importance of managing arthritis to slow down its progression and protect your knees