How to Put Your Autoimmune Disease In Remission

Having an autoimmune disease can change your life in profound ways. For many people with autoim­mune disease, fatigue is the most debilitating symptom. It differs from the tiredness most people feel after long periods of work or exer­cise or when they haven’t slept well. It’s a feeling of constant exhaustion that makes it hard to get through the day, let alone participate in activities you enjoy.
And fatigue is frustrating. It’s not something that your doctor can measure or test for. It’s often not evident to others, but it is very real for you. Why autoimmune disease and fatigue go hand-in-hand is not entirely understood, although inflam­mation may explain some of it. Other possible factors include pain, poor sleep, inactivity, and depressed mood.Take it easy. Don’t try to do too much. If you get tired, take a nap or do something restful like reading, listening to music, meditating, or a creative activity. Schedule rest breaks throughout the day if that helps.
Plan ahead. If you have limited energy, use if for the most important activi­ties on your calendar. If you have a busy day ahead, make plans the night before to make the day go easier. 
Inform family and friends. Tell people you are close to about your condi­tion and explain that it can cause fatigue so they will understand if you need to cancel or modify plans.
Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet may be helpful for anyone with an autoimmune disease. With some autoimmune conditions, you may need to follow certain dietary restrictions or special diets.