Legs and Buttocks at Home ? LEG & GLUTE Workout At Home

Muscle strains (tearing or stretching a muscle too far) in the legs are common injuries. They often result from strenuous exercise or overuse. To keep your leg muscles strong, you should warm up before physical activity. By maintaining a healthy weight and focusing on staying healthy overall, you can keep your leg muscles working properly.Your leg muscles help you move, carry the weight of your body and support you when you stand. You have several muscles in your upper and lower legs. They work together to enable you to walk, run, jump and flex and point your feet.

Anterior muscles: These muscles help you lift and lower your foot and extend your toes. They are in the front (anterior) part of the lower leg.

Lateral muscles: Running along the outside of your lower leg, these muscles stabilize your foot when you’re walking or running. They also allow you to move your foot from side to side.

Posterior muscles: These muscles are in the back of your lower leg. Some are superficial (close to the surface of your skin) and some sit deeper inside your leg.

 They help you:

  • Flex and point your toes.
  • Jump, run and push off into a sprint.
  • Lock and unlock your knee.
  • Maintain good posture by stabilizing your legs.
  • Stand up straight by supporting the arch of your foot.
