(LIVE) Are You Feeding Breast Cancer or Fighting It?

  • Lumps: Lumps are common during breastfeeding, but see a doctor if a lump:
    • Doesn’t go away after a week or so
    • Keeps growing
    • Feels fixed in place and doesn’t move
    • Causes dimpling or puckering in the skin
  • Other symptoms: Be aware of other potential cancer signs:
    • Nipple discharge (bloody or not related to breastfeeding)
    • Breast pain that doesn’t go away
    • Change in breast size, shape, or appearance
    • Redness or darkening of the breast
    • Itchy or sore rash on the nipple
    • Swelling or warmth of the breast

If you notice any of these, see a doctor right away. They can examine your breasts and recommend tests like mammograms or ultrasounds to check for abnormalities.

Here are some resources for more information: