Mastering Jackfruit: How to Pick, Eat & Store In or Out of the Fridge

Choosing a ripe jackfruit can be a challenge, but here are some tips:
Smell: A ripe jackfruit will have a sweet, fruity aroma.

  1. How to Eat Jackfruit | What does Jackfruit Taste like | Taste Test – YouTube

Appearance: Look for dark spots on the skin. These indicate ripeness.
Texture: Gently press the fruit. It should yield slightly to gentle pressure.
Note: Overripe jackfruit will be very soft and may have a fermented smell.  
1. How to Cut Jackfruit & Indian Chutney Recipe – The Fermentation Adventure

Eating Jackfruit
Jackfruit is a large and sticky fruit, so be prepared for a bit of a mess!  
1. Jackfruit: a reluctant and sticky ingredient – MAP – Museum of Art and Photography

Cut the jackfruit open: Use a large, sharp knife to cut the fruit in half.
Remove the core: The core is inedible and should be removed.
Separate the bulbs: The edible parts are yellow bulbs encased in a sticky white substance. Carefully separate these bulbs.
Remove the seeds: Each bulb contains a large seed. Remove the seed and discard it.   1. How to Cut Jackfruit in 8 Easy Steps – Edible® Blog

2. How to Eat Jackfruit, Including Peeling, Prepping, and Cooking – Better Homes & Gardens

Enjoy: The jackfruit bulbs can be eaten fresh or used in various recipes.   1. Jackfruit Recipes – Virtual Herbarium

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jackfruit being cut and prepared
Storing Jackfruit
Ripe jackfruit: Best consumed immediately.   1. How to Eat Jackfruit: Tips and Tricks to Enjoy this Tropical Fruit – Fine Dining Lovers

Unripe jackfruit: Can be stored at room temperature for several days.
Frozen jackfruit: Can be frozen for later use. Peel, core, and separate the bulbs before freezing.
Important: Jackfruit sap is very sticky. Wear gloves when handling it.  
1. How to get rid of the stickiness while cutting jackfruit | Onmanorama Kitchen Tips