This Type of Exercise Reverses Heart Aging, Lowers Blood Pressure, & Has Anti-Cancer Effects

Aerobic exercise: This gets your heart rate up and keeps it elevated for a sustained period. This improves circulation, strengthens your heart, and helps lower blood pressure. Examples include brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, and jumping rope. Ideally, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise most days of the week.
Strength training: This builds muscle mass, which helps your body burn more calories at rest. Stronger muscles also support your joints and improve your overall balance. Aim for strength training exercises that work all major muscle groups at least twice a week. You can use bodyweight exercises, free weights, or weight machines.
Here are some resources that you might find helpful:
Mayo Clinic – Exercise: A drug-free approach to lowering high blood pressure
Johns Hopkins Medicine – 3 Kinds of Exercise That Boost Heart Health
