Very Low Cholesterol Warning: Hidden Dangers | Dr. Mandell

Potential Risks of Low Cholesterol
Hemorrhagic stroke: Some studies suggest a link between very low cholesterol and an increased risk of this type of stroke.
Depression and anxiety: Research has shown a correlation between low cholesterol and mood disorders.
Other potential issues: While less established, low cholesterol has been associated with increased risk of cancer, weakened immune system, and digestive problems.
Causes of Low Cholesterol
Several factors can contribute to low cholesterol:
Malnutrition: A diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to low cholesterol.
Liver disease: Certain liver conditions can interfere with cholesterol production.
Genetic factors: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to low cholesterol.
Medications: Certain drugs, such as statins used to lower high cholesterol, can sometimes lower cholesterol too much.
What to Do if You Have Low Cholesterol
If you’re concerned about your cholesterol levels, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate steps, which might include:
Dietary adjustments: Incorporating cholesterol-rich foods like eggs, fatty fish, and nuts can help raise levels.
Supplement use: In some cases, supplements like fish oil or vitamin D may be beneficial.
Medication review: If you’re taking cholesterol-lowering medications, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage or consider alternatives.