Why It’s So Hard To Be Consistent

Lack of Motivation: Sometimes, the initial enthusiasm for a goal or habit fades over time, making it harder to stay committed.

  1. How to Overcome Lack of Consistency in Your Life – Ariel Yasmine


Procrastination: Putting off tasks or habits can lead to inconsistency.   1. Procrastination: Why do we do it, and what can we do to stop – Engineering Academic Services – The University of British Columbia


Overwhelm: Setting unrealistic goals or trying to do too much at once can make it difficult to maintain a consistent routine.
Life Changes: Unexpected events like illness, stress, or changes in work or relationships can disrupt consistency.
Fear of Failure: The fear of not succeeding can hinder consistency, as it may lead to avoidance or giving up.   1. Fear of Failure (Atychiphobia): Causes & Treatment – Cleveland Clinic


Lack of Support: Having a support system can make it easier to stay consistent, but without it, it can be more challenging.

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