10 COMMON Household Items That Cause CANCER

  1. Asbestos is a mineral that was once widely used in insulation and other building materials. However, it is now known to be a carcinogen, and exposure to asbestos can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other types of cancer.
  2. Benzene is a chemical found in gasoline, cigarette smoke, and other products. It is a known carcinogen that can cause leukemia and other types of blood cancer.
  3. Formaldehyde is a chemical used in pressed wood products, such as plywood and particleboard. It is also found in some glues, paints, and other products. Exposure to formaldehyde can cause nasopharyngeal cancer, a type of cancer that affects the back of the nose and throat.
  4. Lead is a heavy metal that was once used in paint, pipes, and other products. However, lead is a neurotoxin that can damage the brain and nervous system, and it is also a known carcinogen. Exposure to lead can cause leukemia and other types of cancer in children.
  5. Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in the soil and can enter homes through cracks in the foundation. Radon is a known carcinogen that can cause lung cancer.
  6. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that comes from burning cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. It contains hundreds of harmful chemicals, including more than 70 known carcinogens. Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer, heart disease, and other health problems.
  7. Sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage the DNA in skin cells, leading to cancer. It is important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen, clothing, and a hat when you are outdoors.
  8. Tobacco smoke is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including more than 70 known carcinogens. Smoking can cause cancer of the lung, bladder, cervix, colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney, larynx, liver, mouth and throat, pancreas, stomach, and trachea.
  9. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from tanning beds is a known carcinogen. UV radiation can damage the DNA in skin cells, leading to cancer. It is important to avoid tanning beds.
  10. Wood smoke is the smoke that comes from burning wood in fireplaces, wood stoves, and campfires. Wood smoke contains hundreds of harmful chemicals, including more than 70 known carcinogens. Exposure to wood smoke can cause lung cancer, heart disease, and other health problems.

It is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with these common household items and to take steps to reduce your exposure. For example, you can test your home for radon, avoid secondhand smoke, and protect your skin from the sun. You can also talk to your doctor about other ways to reduce your cancer risk.