10 Things You Should AVOID If You Have Neck Cervical Stenosis

  1. Activities that require you to look up or down for long periods of time. This includes activities such as driving, reading, or using a computer. If you must do these activities, take frequent breaks to look straight ahead.
  2. Activities that put stress on your neck muscles. This includes activities such as lifting heavy objects, carrying backpacks, or wearing tight collars.
  3. Tobacco use. Smoking can damage the nerves in your neck, making cervical stenosis worse.
  4. Alcohol consumption. Alcohol can relax the muscles in your neck, making cervical stenosis worse.
  5. Certain medications. Some medications, such as steroids, can worsen cervical stenosis. Talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking.
  6. Poor posture. Slouching or hunching over can put stress on your neck muscles and worsen cervical stenosis. Make sure to sit up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed.
  7. Being overweight or obese. Extra weight puts stress on your neck and spine, making cervical stenosis worse.
  8. Not getting enough exercise. Exercise helps to strengthen your neck muscles and improve your posture, which can help to relieve the symptoms of cervical stenosis.
  9. Stress. Stress can worsen the symptoms of cervical stenosis. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation.
  10. Ignoring the symptoms. If you have neck pain, numbness, or tingling, see a doctor right away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent the condition from getting worse.

If you have neck cervical stenosis, it is important to follow these guidelines to avoid making the condition worse. By taking care of your neck, you can help to relieve pain and improve your quality of life.