8 Bigger Biceps Exercises at Gym | Biceps Workout | Arms workout at Gym

Barbell Curl

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Barbell Curl

The barbell curl is a compound exercise that works the biceps, brachialis, and forearms. It is one of the most effective exercises for building muscle mass in the biceps.

To do a barbell curl, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell in front of you with a shoulder-width grip. Your palms should be facing forward. Curl the barbell up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.

2. EZ Bar Preacher Curl

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EZ Bar Preacher Curl

The EZ bar preacher curl is a variation of the barbell curl that is easier on the wrists. It also isolates the long head of the biceps more effectively.

To do an EZ bar preacher curl, sit on a preacher curl bench and place your upper arms on the pad. Hold an EZ bar in front of you with a shoulder-width grip. Curl the bar up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.

3. Incline Dumbbell Curl

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Incline Dumbbell Curl

The incline dumbbell curl is a variation of the dumbbell curl that focuses on the upper head of the biceps.

To do an incline dumbbell curl, sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand with a shoulder-width grip. Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

4. Hammer Curl

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Hammer Curl

The hammer curl is a variation of the dumbbell curl that focuses on the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

To do a hammer curl, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

5. Concentration Curl

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Concentration Curl

The concentration curl is an isolation exercise that targets the biceps.

To do a concentration curl, sit on a bench and place your upper arm on the inside of your thigh. Hold a dumbbell in your hand with a shoulder-width grip and let it hang down. Curl the dumbbell up towards your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

You can perform these exercises in a variety of ways to create a challenging and effective bicep workout. For example, you can vary the number of sets and repetitions, the weight you use, and the tempo of the exercises.

Here is a sample bicep workout that you can try:

  • Barbell Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • EZ Bar Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • Concentration Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Be sure to warm up before your workout and cool down afterwards.