9 Foods to Avoid to Lose Belly Fat FASTER

Fried foods such as fried chicken, pork chop and fries are packed with sodium and trans-fat which generally result in belly fat.Gas and a feeling of bloatedness are the general symptoms of lactose intolerance, whether mild or severe cases. If you are lactose intolerant and feel these, try limiting the cow’s milk, yogurt and ice cream you eat. The pre-packaged, processed donuts, muffins, or cakes at your favorite convenient dessert place may be what’s hindering you from getting rid of the bulge on the stomach. Aside from the very high sugar content these sweets have, they are also loaded with preservatives so as to extend shelf life. White carbs are also stripped of their nutrient value when processed. White bread has a great deal of these white carbs. Cutting back on foods with white flour in them and swapping them for whole-grain products such as brown bread will be very ideal for weight loss.Rice, particularly white rice, also has the white carbs that are generally conducive to stomach fat buildup. Switching to the whole grain alternative of brown rice can also curb the fat that can accumulate in the stomach.Potato chip brands make the use of hydrogenated oils. This oil is actually called trans-fat, which is infamous for its contribution to cholesterol increase, heart disease and weight gain. Even chips that do not contain this type of oil has a lot of fat because they still make use of oil to cook.Soft drinks contain empty calories and excessive sugar that lead to weight gain. Particularly, the sugars called fructose and other additives are difficult to burn off and so they tend to settle as stubborn fats in the stomach.Refined sweeteners and sugar usually found in tea, coffees, other drinks and foods increase your blood sugar levels and your body’s level of insulin. A higher insulin level promotes the storage of more fat. These all generally lead to the accumulation of more fat across the belly and everywhere else.Margarine is common in the biscuits, pastries, crackers, popcorn and snack foods we encounter regularly. It is actually filled with trans-fat and contributes to an increase in cholesterol levels, making way for fat buildup. Choosing regular butter to top off what you would usually use margarine on will help significantly.Cocktails, in particular, are packed with sugars and syrups that will shoot up blood sugar levels. Beers are heavy in calories but very low in any nutritional value and can bring you farther from your goal weight.
