Reacting To Women On Steroids w/ Dr. Mike Israetel

  • Hormonal Disruption: Steroids are synthetic hormones that mimic testosterone, the male sex hormone. In women, this disrupts their natural hormonal balance. This can lead to:
    • Masculinization: This includes unwanted physical changes like increased facial and body hair growth, deepening of the voice, and a decrease in breast size. Some of these changes can be irreversible.
    • Irregular Periods and Fertility Issues: Steroids can mess with ovulation and menstruation, making periods irregular or stopping them altogether. This can significantly impact fertility and the ability to become pregnant.
  • Physical Health Risks: Steroid use can take a toll on a woman’s body in several ways:
    • Liver and Heart Damage: Steroids can strain the liver and increase the risk of liver damage or disease. They can also put stress on the heart, raising the risk of heart attack or stroke.
    • Increased Cholesterol: Steroid use can lead to an unhealthy rise in bad cholesterol (LDL) and a decrease in good cholesterol (HDL). This can further increase cardiovascular risks.
    • Mood Swings and Aggression: Steroids can contribute to mood swings, irritability, and even “roid rage,” similar to what some men experience.
  • Other Potential Problems: These can include:
    • Baldness: Similar to some men, women may experience male-pattern baldness from steroids.
    • Acne: Steroids can worsen acne or cause outbreaks.
    • Weakened Immune System: Steroid use can make women more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

It’s important to remember that these are just some of the risks. Steroids can have other unforeseen consequences on a woman’s health. If you’re considering steroids, it’s crucial to talk to a doctor about the potential dangers and explore safer alternatives for achieving your fitness goals.