Bulging Disc? AVOID These 7 Gym Exercises!

Leg press with cramped knees: This machine exercise can put excessive strain on your knees, especially if you go too deep or have pre-existing knee issues. A safer alternative is to do squats with proper form, focusing on pushing through your heels and keeping your back straight.
Leg press with cramped knees exercise

Neck circles: This common warm-up exercise can actually increase your risk of neck injuries. Instead, try gentle neck rolls or side bends to warm up your neck muscles.
Neck circles exercise

Upright rows: This exercise can put strain on your shoulders and rotator cuff, especially if you use heavy weights or have poor form. A safer alternative is to do seated cable rows or bent-over dumbbell rows.
Upright rows exercise

Running on an incline: Running on an incline can put excessive stress on your calves and shins, leading to pain and injuries. If you want to add intensity to your run, try interval training or running on a hilly course instead.runnerslab.com
Running on an incline exercise

Abdominal crunches: While crunches can work your abs to some extent, they can also strain your lower back and neck. There are many other, more effective exercises for strengthening your core, such as planks, bridges, and deadlifts.
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Abdominal crunches exercise

Spot reduction exercises: There is no such thing as spot reduction. Exercises that target specific areas, like arm circles for flabby arms, are not effective for burning fat. Instead, focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.dannyleejames.com
Spot reduction exercises

Any exercise done with pain: This is the most important rule of thumb. If you feel any pain while doing an exercise, stop immediately. Pain is a sign that you could be injuring yourself. Choose a different exercise or modify the one you’re doing to make it pain-free.

Remember, the best exercise is the one that you can do safely and effectively. Always listen to your body and make sure you’re using proper form. If you’re unsure about how to do an exercise, consult with a certified personal trainer.