Dental Hygienist TEACHES How To Floss

  1. Break off about 18 inches of floss.
  2. Wrap the ends of the floss around your middle fingers, leaving about 2 inches of floss between your hands.
  3. Guide the floss between your teeth using your index fingers.
  4. Gently move the floss up and down, scraping against the sides of your teeth.
  5. Be sure to floss both the front and back of your teeth.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all of your teeth.

Here are some additional tips for flossing:

  • Use a new piece of floss for each section of your mouth.
  • Don’t snap the floss against your teeth. This can damage your gums.
  • If you have braces, be sure to floss under the wires and bands.
  • Floss once a day, preferably at night before bed.

Flossing is an important part of oral hygiene. It helps to remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth, which can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. If you don’t floss regularly, you’re more likely to develop these problems.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when flossing:

  • Not using enough floss.
  • Snapping the floss against your teeth.
  • Using a back-and-forth motion.
  • Not flossing all of your teeth.
  • Not flossing regularly.

If you’re not sure how to floss properly, ask your dentist or hygienist for help.