Does Coffee Raise Inflammation? | Coffee Buzz Club | By rjoachim | December 28, 2022 Harvard School of Public Health researchers surveyed more than 250,000 Americans over 28 years and asked them questions them about their diet and coffee consumption. After analyzing their rates of disease and death over the following twenty years, they found that among nonsmokers, those who drank between three and five cups of java daily were up to 15 percent less likely to die of any cause than those who weren’t as friendly with their neighborhood barista.Men who consumed between 85 and 170 milligrams of caffeine a day—the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee—were 42 percent less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE. Researchers attribute the benefits to caffeine’s relaxing effect on the arteries, which improves blood flow to the penis.Problems can arise when you drink too much coffee on an empty stomach. The overly acidic gastric juices can irritate the lining of the gut and cause heartburnAccording to a 2005 study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, caffeine can increase levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in stressed individuals. Chronically high levels can trigger excess fat storage, which can lead to obesity.A 2007 study from Baylor College of Medicine demonstrated that ingesting the structurally similar molecules cafestol and kahweol (both of which are found only in coffee beans) can lead to significant increases in LDL levels in humans. That needn’t be cause for concern if you drink your java via a method that employs a paper filter as it can bind cafestol and kahweol in the course of brewing. That means that only a tiny fraction of these cholesterol-upping molecules never make it to your morning cup and into you. If you have high-cholesterol and use a French press, you may want to think about your brewing method.Drink some coffee and your blood pressure may rise a little. Your heart reacts to this drop in pressure by slowing slightly. However, if you keep drinking beyond a cup or so, the heart is likely to accelerate. Posted in Natural & Holistic