How To Keep Bananas Fresh

  • Start in the store. When you’re at the grocery store, look for bananas that are still green or slightly yellow. These bananas will last longer than bananas that are already ripe.
  • Abandon the bag. Don’t put your bananas in a plastic bag when you bring them home from the store. The bag will trap ethylene gas, which will cause the bananas to ripen faster.
  • Wrap the stems. If you want to slow down the ripening process even further, you can wrap the stems of the bananas with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This will help to prevent the ethylene gas from escaping.
  • Divide and conquer. If you have a bunch of bananas, you can divide them into smaller bunches. This will help to slow down the ripening process, as the bananas will not be able to interact with each other as much.
  • Keep them separate from other ripe fruits. Ethylene gas is not only produced by bananas, but also by other fruits, such as apples, pears, and tomatoes. If you store bananas near these fruits, the ethylene gas will cause the bananas to ripen faster.
  • Store them in a bowl. A bowl is a good way to store bananas because it will allow the ethylene gas to escape. You can also place the bowl in a cool, dark place.
  • Hang them from a hook. If you have a fruit hook, you can hang your bananas from it. This will help to prevent the bananas from bruising and will also slow down the ripening process.
  • Give cut bananas an acid bath. If you cut a banana, the exposed flesh will start to brown. To prevent this, you can give the cut banana an acid bath. Simply soak the cut banana in a mixture of lemon juice and water for a few minutes.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Don’t put bananas in the refrigerator until they are ripe. The cold temperature of the refrigerator will slow down the ripening process, but it will also cause the peel to turn brown.
  • If you do put bananas in the refrigerator, don’t leave them there for too long. Bananas will start to taste bland and mushy if they are stored in the refrigerator for more than a few days.
  • If you want to use frozen bananas, peel them and slice them before freezing. Frozen bananas can be used in smoothies, baked goods, and other recipes.

I hope these tips help you to keep your bananas fresh for longer!