PHYSIO COVID 19 RECOVERY Exercises at Home | Strengthen, Breathe, Prevent Blood CLOTS & Bed Position
Please seek your medical physician’s approval to return to exercise at home after Covid 19. If at any time during this exercise routine you feel dizzy or breathless, stop, take a break and return to the exercises when you feel fully recovered. Never perform intense exercise with a high temperature (i.e. febrile). Covid Recovery Strength Exercise Routine Outline This exercise routine includes bed or chair based exercises with options for different stages of recovery and levels of fitness. 1. Breathing Exercises * Sit upright in bed or on the side of your bed * Place your hands around the lower part of your rib cage * Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose and then let the slowly leave your lungs. Don’t be concerned if deep breathing makes you cough as this is quite normal when starting to breathe deeply again after shallow breathing while resting in bed.