Rid Respiratory Mucus with SALT

Drink plenty of water: Aim for 8-10 glasses throughout the day. Warm liquids like ginger tea or lemon water can be especially soothing.
Avoid dehydrating drinks: Limit coffee, alcohol, and sugary beverages, as they can thicken mucus.
Steam Therapy:

Take a hot shower: The steam helps loosen mucus and make it easier to clear.
Use a humidifier: Add moisture to the air to thin mucus and soothe irritation.
Nasal Drainage:

Use a saline nasal spray or neti pot: These can flush mucus from your nasal passages and sinuses.
Blow your nose gently: Avoid forceful blowing, which can irritate your sinuses.
Breathing Techniques:

Postural drainage: Lie on your side or back with your head elevated, using gravity to help drain mucus.
Steam inhalation with essential oils: Certain oils like eucalyptus or peppermint can help loosen mucus (consult a doctor before using essential oils, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding).

Don’t use salt directly on your respiratory system. While some methods involve saline solutions, using straight salt can be irritating and harmful.
Don’t suppress your cough. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear mucus.
Be gentle. Avoid harsh actions like forceful blowing or picking at mucus.
See a doctor if symptoms worsen or persist. Mucus can be a symptom of various conditions, so consult a professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
By following these tips, you can loosen and manage mucus and phlegm, offering some relief within 10 minutes. However, complete and instant elimination isn’t realistic and may not be the best approach. Keep in mind that patience and consistency are key to feeling better over time.

I hope this information is helpful! Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.