SHOWER TIPS that changed my hygiene | Smell good all day & level up your hygiene |

Use a scented body wash or soap. Choose a product with a scent that you love and that will make you feel refreshed. If you have sensitive skin, look for an unscented product.
Pay attention to your pulse points. These are the areas of your body where your blood vessels are closest to the surface, making them ideal for applying fragrance. Your pulse points include your wrists, neck, chest, and behind your ears.
Exfoliate regularly. This will help to remove dead skin cells and allow your fragrance to penetrate more deeply. You can exfoliate with a body scrub, a washcloth, or a dry brush.
Moisturize your skin. This will help to lock in the moisture and fragrance. Use a scented body lotion or cream, or layer your fragrance with an unscented moisturizer.
Apply deodorant or antiperspirant. This will help to control sweat and odor throughout the day.
Finish with a spritz of perfume or cologne. Be careful not to overdo it, as too much fragrance can be overwhelming.
Here are some additional tips:
Shower at night. This will allow your fragrance to develop on your skin while you sleep.
Take a cool shower at the end. This will close your pores and help to hold in the fragrance.
Wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Natural fabrics like cotton and linen allow your skin to breathe, which can help to reduce sweating and odor.
Avoid wearing synthetic fabrics. Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon can trap sweat and odor, making you smell worse.
With these tips, you can smell good all day long!