How playing an instrument benefits your brain – Anita Collins

If you are looking for a way to improve your brain health, playing a musical instrument is a great option. It is a fun and enjoyable activity that can also provide many benefits for your cognitive function, memory, and mood. Here are some additional tips for getting the most out of playing an instrument for…

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How Stretching REALLY Works

Stretching works by lengthening the muscles and tendons, which allows the joints to move through a wider range of motion. When you stretch, you are essentially stretching the muscle fibers, which are made up of long, thin cells. These cells are attached to each other by proteins called sarcomeres. When you stretch a muscle, the…

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Diet and brain health: You are what you eat?

Here are some of the ways that food can help our mind: If you are looking to improve your mental health, it is important to eat a healthy diet. This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. It is also important to limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats. Here…

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