The #1 Worst Seafood For Diabetics And 5 Best Alternatives

Here are 5 best seafood alternatives for diabetics:

When choosing seafood, it is important to look for fish that are low in mercury and fat. It is also important to cook seafood in a healthy way, such as grilling, baking, or poaching. Avoiding fried seafood is best for diabetics.

It is also important to speak to your doctor or a registered dietitian about the best seafood choices for you. They can help you create a healthy eating plan that meets your individual needs.

The #1 worst seafood for diabetics is swordfish. Swordfish is a high-mercury fish, which means it can accumulate high levels of mercury in its flesh. Mercury is a toxin that can damage the nervous system, and it is especially harmful to pregnant women and young children. Swordfish also has a high fat content, which can raise blood cholesterol levels.