The 4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Consuming Lemon Juice

  1. Drinking it right before a meal. Lemon juice can increase the production of stomach acid, which can make heartburn and indigestion worse. If you have a history of these conditions, it’s best to avoid drinking lemon juice right before a meal. Instead, drink it at least 30 minutes before or after eating.
  2. Not diluting it with water. Lemon juice is very acidic, and drinking it undiluted can damage your teeth enamel. It’s important to dilute lemon juice with water before drinking it. A good ratio is 1 part lemon juice to 8 parts water.
  3. Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis. Lemon juice is a natural irritant, and it can make ulcers and gastritis worse. If you have either of these conditions, it’s best to avoid lemon juice altogether.
  4. Drinking it if you have alkalosis. Alkalosis is a condition in which the blood pH is too high. Lemon juice can worsen alkalosis, so it’s best to avoid it if you have this condition.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can safely enjoy the benefits of lemon juice without any negative consequences.

Here are some additional tips for consuming lemon juice safely and effectively:

  • Use fresh lemons whenever possible. Pasteurized lemon juice often contains added sugar and preservatives, which can negate some of the health benefits of lemon juice.
  • If you have sensitive teeth, drink lemon juice through a straw to protect your teeth enamel.
  • Start with a small amount of lemon juice and gradually increase the amount as your body gets used to it.
  • If you experience any negative side effects from drinking lemon juice, such as heartburn or indigestion, stop drinking it and consult with your doctor.