The REAL Reasons Why Your Nails Have Vertical How to Treat and Fix Vertical Ridges

  • Focus on nail care: Regularly moisturize your nails and cuticles with hand cream or oil containing ceramides or alpha hydroxy acids. Wear cotton gloves at bedtime to keep the moisture locked in. Trim your nails regularly and avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Buffing cautiously: While not a permanent solution, gently buffing your nails once a month using a four-way buffer can subtly smooth out the ridges.
  • Biotin supplements: Discuss with your doctor about trying biotin supplements to support healthy nail growth.

If the ridges are due to external factors:

  • Identify and address the trigger: This could be excessive nail biting, exposure to harsh chemicals, or frequent use of nail polish remover. Once the trigger is eliminated, the ridges should gradually fade as healthy nails grow in.
  • Protect your nails: Wear gloves during cleaning and gardening to shield them from harsh chemicals and physical stress.

If the ridges are associated with an underlying medical condition:

  • Consult a doctor or dermatologist: They can diagnose the underlying condition and recommend appropriate treatment. Treating the underlying condition will be crucial to improving the appearance of your nails.

Things to avoid:

  • Aggressive buffing or filing: This can thin and weaken your nails, making them more prone to damage.
  • Artificial nails: Avoid applying artificial nails if your natural nails are already damaged or unhealthy. This can trap moisture and bacteria, potentially worsening the ridges.

Remember, it takes time for nails to grow out completely. Even after addressing the cause, it may take several months to see a significant improvement in the appearance of your nails.

It’s important to note that I am not a medical professional, and this information should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are concerned about the appearance or health of your nails, please consult a doctor or dermatologist.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.