This Is Your Body On Cannabis

The effects of cannabis on your body can vary depending on the dose, the method of consumption, and your individual physiology. However, some of the most common effects include:

  • Changes in mood and perception. Cannabis can alter your perception of time, space, and sensory input. It can also make you feel more relaxed, euphoric, or creative.
  • Increased appetite. Cannabis can stimulate the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which can lead to an increase in appetite.
  • Changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Cannabis can cause your heart rate and blood pressure to increase temporarily. This is usually not a cause for concern, but it’s important to be aware of it if you have any underlying heart conditions.
  • Red eyes. Cannabis can cause your eyes to become red and bloodshot. This is due to the dilation of blood vessels in the eyes.
  • Dry mouth. Cannabis can also cause your mouth to become dry. This is due to the suppression of saliva production.
  • Short-term memory impairment. Cannabis can impair your short-term memory temporarily. This is because it interferes with the way your brain stores and recalls information.

The effects of cannabis typically last for 2-4 hours, but they can vary depending on the individual. In general, the effects of cannabis are more pronounced when you first start using it. As you become more experienced, you may find that the effects are less intense.

It’s important to note that cannabis can have both positive and negative effects on your body. The long-term effects of cannabis use are still being studied, but there is some evidence that it can have a negative impact on your memory, learning, and cognitive function. If you are considering using cannabis, it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits carefully.