TURKEY NECK? How to tighten saggy neck skin with massage | Self massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage:

This technique focuses on stimulating the lymph nodes, which can help reduce puffiness and promote detoxification.

  • Preparation: Apply a facial oil or moisturizer to your neck to avoid friction.
  • Technique: Use gentle, circular motions with your fingertips, starting at the base of your neck and moving upwards towards your ears. Follow the arrows in the image below.
  • Duration: Repeat each stroke 5-10 times, and perform the entire sequence 2-3 times.

2. Pinch and Lift Massage:

This technique stimulates blood circulation and may help tone the muscles in your neck.

  • Preparation: Again, apply a facial oil or moisturizer.
  • Technique: Gently pinch the skin between your thumb and forefinger, starting at the base of your neck and moving upwards towards your jawline. Hold each pinch for a few seconds before releasing.
  • Duration: Repeat each pinch 5-10 times, and perform the entire sequence 2-3 times.

Additional Tips:

  • Be gentle and avoid applying too much pressure, which could irritate your skin.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly throughout the massage.
  • Perform the massage daily for best results.
  • Remember, massage is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and protecting your skin from the sun are all important for maintaining healthy skin.

It’s important to note that significant neck skin tightening, if desired, often requires professional treatments like ultrasound therapy, radiofrequency, or injectables. These procedures should only be performed by a qualified healthcare professional.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.