Why Dry Eyes Cause Blurry Vision – 3 Reasons, And 3 Home Remedies

  1. The tear film is not able to spread evenly across the cornea. The tear film is a thin layer of fluid that coats the front of the eye. It helps to keep the eye moist and protect it from infection. When the tear film is not able to spread evenly, it can cause the cornea to become dry and irritated. This can lead to blurry vision.
  2. The tear film does not have enough water to keep the cornea moist. The tear film is made up of water, mucus, and oil. The water helps to keep the cornea moist, while the mucus and oil help to keep the tear film from evaporating too quickly. If the tear film does not have enough water, the cornea can become dry and irritated, leading to blurry vision.
  3. The tear film does not have enough mucus to keep the cornea lubricated. The mucus in the tear film helps to keep the cornea lubricated and smooth. If the tear film does not have enough mucus, the cornea can become rough and irritated, leading to blurry vision.

Here are three home remedies that can help to relieve dry eyes and blurry vision:

  1. Use artificial tears. Artificial tears are over-the-counter eye drops that can help to lubricate the eyes and relieve dry eye symptoms.
  2. Apply a warm compress to your eyes. A warm compress can help to stimulate the production of tears and relieve dry eye symptoms.
  3. Blink more often. Blinking helps to spread the tear film evenly across the cornea. If you tend to blink less often, try to make a conscious effort to blink more often throughout the day.

If you are experiencing dry eyes and blurry vision, it is important to see an eye doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Your eye doctor can also recommend additional treatment options, such as prescription eye drops or punctal plugs.

Here are some additional tips to help prevent dry eyes and blurry vision:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated helps to keep the tear film moist.
  • Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Smoking can irritate the eyes and make dry eyes worse.
  • Use a humidifier. A humidifier can add moisture to the air and help to prevent the eyes from drying out.
  • Wear sunglasses. Sunglasses can help to protect the eyes from wind, dust, and sun glare, which can all contribute to dry eyes.
  • Take breaks from screens. Looking at screens for long periods of time can dry out the eyes. Take breaks every 20-30 minutes to look away from the screen and blink.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent dry eyes and blurry vision and keep your eyes healthy.