10 Signs of Toxic Friendships

They are constantly putting you down. This could be through teasing, insults, or criticism. They may make you feel bad about yourself, your appearance, your accomplishments, or your choices.
They are jealous of your success. They may try to minimize your accomplishments or make you feel bad about them. They may also try to compete with you or sabotage your success.
They are always asking for favors but never return them. They may take advantage of your kindness and generosity. They may also make you feel guilty if you don’t do what they want.
They are not supportive of your goals and dreams. They may try to discourage you from pursuing your dreams or tell you that you’re not good enough. They may also be dismissive of your interests and passions.
They gossip about you behind your back. They may spread rumors or talk about your personal business to other people. They may also try to turn your other friends against you.
They don’t respect your boundaries. They may call you or text you at all hours of the day and night, even if you’ve told them you’re busy or not available. They may also try to pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do.
They are always the victim. They may never take responsibility for their own mistakes or actions. They may also blame you for their problems or make you feel guilty for their unhappiness.
They make you feel drained after spending time with them. You may feel emotionally or physically exhausted after hanging out with them. This is a sign that the friendship is taking a toll on you.
They are unpredictable and moody. You never know what mood they’re going to be in or how they’re going to react to things. This can make it difficult to trust them or feel comfortable around them.
You feel better when you’re not around them. If you find yourself feeling happier and more relaxed when you’re not with your friend, that’s a sign that the friendship is toxic.
It’s important to note that everyone has bad days or says things they regret. But if you see several of these signs in your friendship, it may be time to distance yourself from that person. Toxic friendships can be damaging to your mental and emotional health. You deserve to be surrounded by people who make you feel good about yourself and support you in your life.
If you’re struggling to deal with a toxic friendship, talk to a trusted friend or family member. You can also seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.