Bridge exercises are among those that will target your butt and, if you do them consistently, you should tone your butt fast.[1] Sometimes these are called hip lifts. You should strive for at least 15 reps of each exercise twice a day.

  • One variation of this exercise is to lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your feet anchored firmly on the floor. Now, press your hips upward and squeeze your butt. Then lower your hips back to the floor. Do this as many times as you can.
  • Lie with your back on the floor with your left knee bent, and keep your right leg straight. Now, lift your right leg until it lines up with your left thigh. Push your hips up, while keeping your right leg elevated. Then, lower your body and put your leg back down. Repeat. Switch and do the same exercise with your other leg.[2]
  • For an advanced version, extend one leg into the air during each hip lift. Elevate your hips first, then extend your leg. Hold for 10 seconds, then bring your leg back down to its original position before lowering your hips. Repeat.

Butt toning exercises that involve using a pair of dumbbells will show you results fast. Remember, the glutes are a muscle, so at least some strength training is important. You can either buy your own or use the dumbbells at a workout center.

  • Bend down at your knees and pick up the dumbbells. You should hold them with an overhand grip. An overhand grip means that you keep your palms facing downward toward the dumbbells as you hold them.
  • Now, stand up with the dumbbells and then lower them back down. Repeat. This is a simple exercise that basically just involves you bending your knees while holding weights, which will help you see faster results.
  • Another dumbbell exercise you can do to tone your butt involves using a light pair of dumbbells. Stand on one foot, and then lift your other foot behind you, while bending your knee. Bend forward, and lower your body as far as you can. Go back to starting position, repeat, and then switch to your other leg.
  • Squats are one of the easiest ways to tone your butt, and they are an exercise that doesn’t require equipment. Such toning exercises are the most common ways to tone your butt fast. Remember to keep your knees safe by lining them up directly above your feet. Don’t let your knees extend forward.
  • To do a squat, stand with your feet spread apart at hip width and squat down at a 90-degree angle. Then, stand back up. The key to doing a proper squat is to make sure you are pressing back on your heels, not forward on your toes. Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor. Again, doing 15 reps 2 times is a good goal when you are starting out, but you can increase the reps as you get stronger.
  • Another variation of this exercise is called the squat hold and pulse. In this exercise, again stand with your feet hip width apart. Squat down at a 90-degree angle, but when you are in the squat position, move up and down slightly. This is called pulsing. [3]
  • Perform a jump squat. Once you squat down, simply swing your arms overhead. Jump as high as possible. [4]
  • You can also do squats while holding onto dumbbells or a barbell for added weight and resistance.[5]
    • Do lunges and plies. As with squats, lunges and plies are other butt targeting exercises that are easy to learn and quickly effective.
    • To perform a lunge, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Your feet should point straight ahead. Step forward, while keeping your knee from going past your toes. Push off with your heels so you keep your balance. Then, straighten back up. Now, switch to your other leg.
    • To do a plié, remember this move isn’t just for ballerinas; it’s also a great butt-toning exercise! Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing outward. Keeping your back straight and your arms held out in front of you, lower yourself into a squatting position, and then use your glutes to bring yourself back to standing position. Repeat this move for one to two minutes.
    • The problem with simple carbs is that the body will turn them into fat stores if you don’t burn them off right away. So stay away from eating lots of simple carbs, which have just 1 or 2 sugar molecules, so the body burns them off very fast. [10]
    • Examples of simple carbs to avoid include foods with molasses, corn syrup, and honey. Candy, soft drinks, jellies or jams, and fruit juices are examples of foods that have simple carbs in them.
    • Don’t eat anything white. This is a good rule of thumb. White bread and refined sugar need to go. They don’t offer much nutritional value. And the fat will go right to your butt (and abdomen and hips). That means no white pasta, either.
    • Do eat good, complex carbohydrates, such as fresh, green vegetables, oatmeal, and brown rice. These will have some carbs, but not many and not the kind that pack the fat on your backside. Complex carbohydrates thttps://www.wikihow.life/Tone-Your-Butt-Fastake the body longer to digest.