Abdominal strengthening exercises: Level 1

Crunches Tabletop crunches Bicycle crunches Plank Hollow hold Dead bug You can start with 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each exercise. As you get stronger, you can increase the number of sets and repetitions, or add weight. Be sure to listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain. Here are some…

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10 Minute Metabolic Conditioning Workout – at home!

Here is a sample 10-minute conditioning workout that you can do at home: Warm-up (1 minute) Workout (8 minutes) Cool-down (1 minute) To do this workout, simply perform each exercise for 30 seconds, with no rest in between. After you have completed all of the exercises, rest for 1 minute and then start over. Repeat…

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Smaller Waist Exercises and Burning Belly Fat

In addition to these exercises, it is also important to eat a healthy diet and get enough cardio exercise. Cardio helps to burn calories and reduce overall body fat, which can help to reduce belly fat. Here are some tips for eating a healthy diet: Here are some tips for getting enough cardio exercise: By…

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5 Min Abs Workout ( How To Get Abs )

Exercise 1: Leg Drops Exercise 2: Bicycle Crunches Exercise 3: Russian Twists Exercise 4: Plank Exercise 5: Reverse Crunches Do each exercise for 50 seconds, with a 10-second rest in between each exercise. Repeat the entire circuit 2-3 times. This is just a basic 5-minute abs workout. You can add more exercises or increase the…

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10 Day Chair Workout To Lose Belly Fat (NO STANDING)

Day 2 Day 3 Repeat these exercises for the next 7 days. You can adjust the number of repetitions and sets as needed. If you find that the exercises are too easy, you can add more weight or resistance. If you find that the exercises are too difficult, you can modify them by using a…

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