This Will Happen If You Start Using Apple Cider Vinegar Everyday

Apple cider vinegar, like other types of vinegar, is like acid to your body. Don’t drink it straight up!

Instead, you should dilute it. Add one tablespoon (at most 2) of vinegar to a glass of water.

If you don’t, it’ll be too acidic for your esophagus. It’s also easy to breathe it in and send acid to your lungs. According to some people, that feels like having sunburn on your lungs. Just imagine that!

In addition, some foods can cancel out the vinegar’s effect. Others may expand it. To be safe, drink the apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. It’s a great way to start out the day. But probably not so great of a bedtime drink!

Vinegar was found to improve insulin sensitivity in those with insulin resistance. Even after a high-carb meal, the participants experienced a more significant decrease in blood sugar.

It was also able to reduce blood sugar when consumed in the form of salad dressing. Another study found that just 2 tablespoons of ACV can reduce fasting blood sugar by 4 percent.

This is why many list cider vinegar in diabetic diets.

17 Things That Will Happen If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Daily