Top 10 Mistakes HURTING Your TEETH & GUMS | Best Oral Care Tips

Brushing too hard or too soft: Brushing too hard can damage your gums and enamel, while brushing too softly might not remove plaque effectively. Use a soft-bristled brush and apply gentle pressure in a circular motion.
Not brushing for long enough: Aim for brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day. This ensures you reach all surfaces of your teeth and remove built-up plaque.
Skipping flossing: Flossing removes plaque and food particles from between your teeth, where brushing can’t reach. Aim to floss at least once a day.
Using an old toothbrush: Toothbrush bristles become frayed and less effective over time. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed.
Not visiting the dentist regularly: Regular dental checkups allow your dentist to identify and address problems early on, preventing more serious issues down the line. Aim for a checkup and cleaning at least once a year.
Drinking sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like soda, juices, and sports drinks can contribute to tooth decay. Limit your intake of these beverages and opt for water whenever possible.
Using tobacco products: Smoking and chewing tobacco can stain your teeth, irritate your gums, and increase your risk of gum disease and oral cancer.
Snacking frequently: Frequent snacking throughout the day exposes your teeth to acid attacks more often. If you do snack, choose healthy options and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.
Grinding your teeth: Teeth grinding (bruxism) can wear down your enamel and damage your teeth. If you suspect you grind your teeth, talk to your dentist about treatment options.
Using improper oral hygiene products: Not all toothpastes and mouthwashes are created equal. Choose a toothpaste with fluoride for cavity protection and a mouthwash with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval.
By avoiding these mistakes and practicing good oral hygiene habits, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.