Top 10 Ways to Stop a Cough from Postnasal Drip

  • Use a saline nasal spray or rinse. This can help to loosen and flush out mucus from your nasal passages.
  • Use a humidifier. Adding moisture to the air can help to thin out mucus and make it easier to breathe.
  • Elevate your head when you sleep. This can help to prevent mucus from accumulating in the back of your throat.
  • Avoid irritants such as cigarette smoke, dust pollen, and strong fumes.
  • Take over-the-counter medications such as guaifenesin (Mucinex) or antihistamines. These medications can help to thin out mucus and reduce inflammation.

If your postnasal drip is severe or does not improve with home remedies, see a doctor. You may have an underlying condition such as allergies, sinusitis, or acid reflux that needs to be treated.