Yogurt vs. Ice Cream: What is Worse?

Pros: Often lower in fat, can contain probiotics for gut health, and can be a good source of protein.

  1. Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt – WebMD


Cons: Can be high in added sugars, especially flavored varieties.   1. Your ‘Healthy’ Yogurt Might Be Full of Sugar – Hoag


Ice Cream
Pros: Creamy and indulgent, can be a good source of calcium and vitamin D.   1. Small Steps: 5 Ways To Get More Calcium | Food Network Healthy Eats


Cons: Generally higher in fat and calories, often high in added sugars.   1. Is It Okay to Eat Ice Cream Every Day? – Baton Rouge Clinic


Key Factors to Consider:
Fat content: Ice cream typically has more fat, while yogurt is lower.   1. Frozen Yogurt vs. Ice Cream: Is One Healthier? – Healthline


Sugar content: Both can be high in added sugars, so check labels carefully.   1. Frozen Yogurt vs. Ice Cream: Is One Healthier? – Healthline


Protein content: Yogurt often has more protein than ice cream.
Probiotics: Some yogurts contain live cultures (probiotics), which can benefit gut health.   1. 8 of the Best Types of Yogurt for Probiotics – ZOE


Ultimately, the best choice for you depends on your individual nutritional needs and preferences. If you’re watching your fat intake, yogurt might be a better option. If you’re craving a rich, indulgent treat, ice cream could be the way to go.  
1. Frozen Yogurt, Gelato or Low-Fat Ice Cream: Which Is the Healthiest? – Taste of Home
