5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with James Nestor

Pursed Lip Breathing

This exercise reduces the number of breaths you take and keeps your airways open longer. More air is able to flow in and out of your lungs so you can be more physically active. To practice it, simply breathe in through your nose and breathe out at least twice as long through your mouth, with pursed lips.As with pursed lip breathing, start by breathing in through your nose. Pay attention to how your belly fills up with air. You can put your hands lightly on your stomach, or place a tissue box on it, so you can be aware of your belly rising and falling. Breathe out through your mouth at least two to three times as long as your inhale. Be sure to relax your neck and shoulders as you retrain your diaphragm to take on the work of helping to fill and empty your lungs.Courtney warns that although these exercises seem simple, they take some time to master. “You don’t want to first try these exercises when you’re short of breath,” he says. “You want to try them when you’re breathing OK, and then later on when you’re more comfortable, you can use them when you’re short of breath.” Ideally, you should practice both exercises about 5 to 10 minutes every day.
