How to Warm Up Before Workouts | Lower Body Training

Light Cardio (5-10 minutes):
The goal here is to gently elevate your heart rate and blood flow, increasing blood flow to your muscles and preparing them for exertion.
This could be activities like brisk walking, jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, light cycling, or anything that gets your blood pumping slightly.
2. Dynamic Stretching (5-10 minutes):
Unlike static stretches (where you hold a position for a longer period), dynamic stretches involve controlled movements that mimic the motions you’ll be performing during your workout.
This helps improve your range of motion, activate your muscles, and prime them for movement.
Here are some examples of dynamic stretches:
Arm circles: Forward and backward with gradually increasing range of motion.
Leg swings: Forward and backward swings to loosen up your hamstrings and glutes.
High knees: Running on the spot while bringing your knees up high towards your chest.
Butt kicks: Running on the spot while kicking your heels up towards your glutes.
Lunges with torso twists: Lunge forward, then twist your torso in the opposite direction before returning to standing.
Tailoring your warm-up:
Consider the intensity of your workout. A light jog might be enough before yoga, but a more dynamic warm-up with lunges and arm circles would be beneficial before weightlifting.
Listen to your body. If you have any specific injuries or limitations, adjust your warm-up accordingly. There are many variations of dynamic stretches you can find online or consult a trainer for a personalized routine.
Bonus Tip: After your workout, don’t forget to cool down with some static stretches to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.