Study Reveals The Easiest Trick To Lower Blood Sugar By 35%

People living with certain health conditions, such as the autoimmune disorder Type 1 diabetes, can’t lower their blood sugar naturally.
With Type 1 diabetes, your pancreas doesn’t make insulin, a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. After being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, you need insulin injections or insulin pump therapy for the rest of your life in order to stay alive.
But if you’re diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes — meaning, you’re at risk of developing Type 2 diabSugar-sweetened beverages are a one-way ticket to high blood sugar. Eliminating or drinking fewer of them can lower blood sugar, as well as helps with weight loss and maintenance, says Asterino-McGeean. “Save soda pop and juice for when you need to treat low blood sugar.”
Drinks high in sugar include:
Energy drinks.
Fruit-flavored drinks or drinks made from powder mixes.
Soda and other carbonated soft drinks.
Sports drinks.
Certain coffee drinks.
Sweet tea.etes — you can try to lower your blood sugar using natural methods.sterino-McGeean recommends eating similarly portioned carbs at each meal. Depending on your meal plan, you may also have to reduce the overall amount of carbs you eat throughout the day. “Be choosy. Nutrient-dense, high-fiber, complex carbs are a better everyday choice than simple processed carbs,” she adds. “Processed carbs don’t occur naturally and tend to be located in the middle of the grocery store.”
Examples of better carb choices include:
Beans and lentils.
Berries and fruits.
Greek yogurt.
Sweet potatoes.
Whole grains.
Not sure where to start? Asterino-McGeean recommends enlisting a dietitian to guide you. “Everyone’s needs are different. You may have other nutrition concerns in addition to managing high blood sugar or diabetes. A dietitian can help you individualize an eating plan, make adjustments and set realistic goals.”The American Diabetes Association suggests starting with about 30 minutes of cardio or aerobic exercise three times a week and working up to five times a week. “If you can’t do 30 minutes at a time, focus on five- or 10-minute increments instead. Try that once a day. Move up to twice and then three times each day when you can tolerate more.”
Asterino-McGeean recommends beginning with cardio, such as walking briskly, with a dash of resistance training and strength exercises. “If you’re starting a new exercise routine, talk with your provider, physical therapist or trainer first to make sure you’re doing it safely.”Nicotine raises blood sugar because it affects how your body responds to insulin. And smoking causes inflammation, which can also raise blood sugar, explains Asterino-McGeean. “It’s a double whammy. If you have high blood sugar and you smoke, you have double the risk for complications.”
How To Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally